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Deconstructing Theatre

Jason Warren will be leading an exploratory workshop that aims to explore new ways of breaking theatrical conventions. With no “end-game” in mind, this session will be an opportunity to explore already-existing texts and find new ways of performing them.


Participants will be required to bring a play with a 2 or 3 hander scene. On attending, the group will select plays to use from those brought to the session, and then split into groups of 2 or 3. The brief is simply to explore how the conventions of the play and theatre in general can be broken in order to communicate new messages (or old messages in new ways). Gender swapping, new staging formats, interaction, reassigning lines, symbolism, abstract gesture, or (hopefully) something far more obscure, anything is fair game. The scenes will be presented at the end of the session as a script-in-hand performance, with each group having worked on two scenes with different ideas. At the end, we’ll round up to chat about the new ideas we’ve found together.


This is a great opportunity to expand your own and your fellow actor/directors’ theatrical toolbox, and meet and work with new collaborators.


The workshop has a maximum attendance of 18. Please register interest to

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